Me and Exercise etc.

I came to Carrington in February 2023. During the first few months I took up walking. I don’t know why, I think it was to distract me when I had nothing else to think about. I’ve forgotten exactly when I started, but certainly in the last 12 months, I’ve averaged walking 6 to 8 kilometres a day – on some days more than 12 kilometres!

(In saying this I’m assuming that 1,300 of my steps is 1,000 metres – I haven’t been able to think of a way, or carry out a way, of being more accurate.)

One of the advantages of Carrington is that it has such long corridors that you can walk just as much in doors as out doors – away from bad weather and even at 10 or 11 o’clock at night – and I often do.

Then, in mid-May, 2 months ago, I started going to a gym.

I had been vaguely conscious that there was a gym only 400 yards away from my room ever since I came to Carrington, but it was only 2 months ago that I got around to giving it a go.

I think I’ve been incredibly lucky!

The instructor is a 25 year old Australian born Indian called Sahil. Pronounced “S are hill.”

Sahil claims to have two University degrees in gym stuff. Whether this is true or not, he is incredibly scientific in his approach. He has a card for each customer, which is used to control each of the gym machines you use. First of all, he carries out an “assessment” of where you’re at, and he is then able able to increase the degree of difficulty of each machine as you get stronger.

He is not busy. I go at 2 o’clock in the afternoon 3 days a week, and there are never more than 3 others besides me – sometimes no others. So his supervision is really personal.

And he charges less than 5 dollars a session! Which is all a bit of a mystery?

Sessions are 35 to 40 minutes long, and after my first session I was flabbergasted, absolutely exhausted – and I’ve only been slightly less so after subsequent sessions.” I thought “Wow! I don’t know what this is going to do for me, but it’s sure going to do something.” And at times I’ve felt like a different person – I couldn’t recommend it more strongly.

After 3 or 4 sessions Sahil said to me, “You are absolutely at the top level of fitness for a person of your age!!!” Was it just good for business for him to say this?

Of course, this would be mainly due to my walking – it couldn’t be much due to my gym sessions, after such a short time.

(And there’s a staff member lady here, who keeps telling me that I look 10 years younger than I did when I first came to Carrington – I don’t know if she’s just being nice?)

Incidentally, there’s often a guy in the gym when I’m there, who Sahil claims is 95! – he seems to be exercising at about the same level as I am.

Overall, both the walking and the gym – big slices of good luck for me! I’m not used to good luck!


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Blood Pressure, LDN, Weight, Tamsulosin.

Blood pressure. Sun. 12 May. 2024. 127/88. Sat. 18 May. Mine. 134/113.

Tamsulosin. Sat. 18 May. 18.25. Sun. May. 8.32.


LDN 12 May, 19.26, 17 MAY 11.02,

Weight: Fri. 17 May 2024, 57.00.


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The NSW Health Care Complaints Commission in action

This is a heading from the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission’s website. In other words, it’s claiming to be committed to protecting public health and safety by the way in which it deals with complaints about health service providers.

It’s put in other words here:-

But what are the facts?

According to it’s own website, it received 9,159 complaints in 2022-23 – an average of just over 760 per month.

From this, you would think it would be safe to say it received at least 400 complaints per month about Doctors – with the rest being about miscellaneous other health care workers, nurses, Chinese Medical Practitioners and so on.

So, out of the 800 or so complaints about Doctors it received in October and November 2023, in how many instances, would you think, it was agreed that the Doctor’s care of his patient had been sub-standard? – ONE!!!!!!!!!!! 

And this will make you laugh – in this instance it was found that, with a chin implant he was about to insert into a patient, he dropped it on the floor, and he just picked it up and continued to insert it into the patient!

One Doctor was found guilty of misconduct in relation to drugs, two were found guilty of what amounted to sexual misconduct, and one guilty in relation to medical benefits claims. As we said, IN JUST ONE CASE OUT OF 800! was it agreed that the Doctor’s care of his patient had been substandard.

In other words, 99.9% of the NSW people who took the considerable time and trouble to make a complaint to the HCCC about a Doctor, were told they were STUPID – that they really had no basis to complain.

And the situation has been becoming worse and worse and worse for years, to the point where it’s hard to imagine how it could get any worse.


And our Premiers don’t care, our Health Ministers don’t care, our Shadow Health Ministers don’t care, and our Health Care Complaints Commissioner, Sue Dawson, whose now been holding her position for more than 9 years, doesn’t care.

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The NSW Health Care Complaints Commission in action

This is a heading from the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission’s website. In other words, it’s claiming to be committed to protecting public health and safety by the way in which it deals with complaints about health service providers.

It’s put in these words elsewhere:-

But what are the facts?

According to it’s own website, it received 9,159 complaints in 2022-23 – an average of just over 760 per month.

From this, you would think it would be safe to say it received at least 400 complaints per month about Doctors, with the rest being about miscellaneous other health care workers, nurses, Chinese Medical Practitioners and so on.

So, out of the 800 or so complaints it received in October and November 2023, in how many instances, do you think, was it agreed that the Doctor’s care of his patient had been sub-standard, to start with? – ONE!!!!!!!!!!! 

(And this will make you laugh – in this instance it was found that, with a chin implant he was about to insert into a patient, he dropped it on the floor, and he just picked it up and continued to insert it into the patient!)

One Doctor was found guilty of misconduct in relation to drugs, two were found guilty of what amounted to sexual misconduct, and one guilty in relation to medical benefits claims. As we said, IN JUST CASE OUT OF 800! was it agreed that the Doctor’s care of their patient had been substandard.

In other words, 99.9% of the NSW people who took the considerable time and trouble to make a complaint to the HCCC about a Doctor, were told they were STUPID – that they really had no basis to complain.

And the situation has been becoming worse and worse and worse for years, to the point where it’s hard to imagine how it could get any worse.



And our Premiers don’t care, our Health Ministers don’t care, our Shadow Health Ministers don’t care, and our Health Care Complaints Commissioner, Sue Dawson, whose now been holding her position for more than 9 years, doesn’t care.

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The Camden & Campbelltown Government Hospitals – dealing with 1

The moment we received this last email, we felt like jumping to our feet and saluting and calling out, “Heil Hitler!” We began to have grave conerns when we read this sentence in A/Prof. Prahalath’s Tue. 24 Aug. 21, email – “The booking into public ante-natal care in a NSW Public Hospital is actually based on the family home geographical location, RATHER THAN A CHOICE!” And now this – if your family home geographical location dictates that the only NSW Public Hospital you can go to is either the one in Camden or the one in Campbelltown, the best the people in them can come up with is that a midwife will be available to support your partner during the birth of your child, in normal circumstances, but if circumstances aren’t normal, there may be no one available to help, (and they may as well have added, “and, as consequence, your baby dies,) these things happen. As they say, in the words of the old saying, “That’s how the cookie crumbles.”

So there you have it, readers, couples having no choice as to which hospital they can go to for help in having their baby, it being compulsory, as in a Police State, and if they have to go to either the Camden or Campbelltown hospitals, the people in them being decidedly casual about whether they would get it or not. But that’s how it is in New South Wales under the Berejiklian Government, and no one cares! And if you don’t believe us, you just see – if we send a copy of this post to (1) Secretary, NSW Health, Elizabeth Koff, or (2) NSW Minister for Health, Brad Hazzard, or (3)  Premier Berejiklian herself, which we intend doing, we won’t get the slightest indication that even one of them cares, least of all Premier Berejiklian. And the people under them don’t care, because they know that not even one of these three gives a damn!

A response received on Mon. 30 Aug. 21.

Our response on the same day.

A response received on Tue. 24 Aug. 21.

Our response on the same day.

A further response received on the same day.

A response received on the same day.

A letter emailed to these hospitals on Fri. 20 Aug. 21.

Note this note from Wikipedia.

Email us at

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St George Government hospital – dealing with

Our response.

A letter received by email on Tue. 23 Aug. 21 at 1.12 pm.

Having not had our previous email even acknowledged, this further letter was emailed to this hospital on Mon. 23 Aug. 21 at 4.31 pm.

A letter sent by email to the St George Government hospital on Fri. 13 Aug. 21, at 9.05 am –

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A list of the NSW hospitals in which the people in it GUARANTEE that couples going to them for help in having a baby will ALWAYS get it 1

St George Private Hospital – as at Mon. 23 Aug. 2021, no GUARANTEE yet forthcoming. To see the correspondence, use this link.

Westmead Private Hospital – as at Fri. 20 Aug. 2021, no GUARANTEE yet forthcoming. To see the correspondence, use this link.

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Westmead Private Hospital – correspondence with

We’re awaiting a response.

A further letter received by email on Fri. 20 Aug. 2021.

A letter received by email on Fri. 20 Aug. 2021.

A reminder sent by email on Fri. 20 Aug. 2021.

I’m wondering if you got this email.

A letter emailed to the CEO, Westmead Private Hospital, 0n Fri. 13 Aug. 2021, using the ordinary email address –

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The North Shore Government Hospital – dealing with

This letter was sent to this hospital by email on Wed. 11 Aug. 2021, using their ordinary email address –

We received back this automated response by return.

We’ll let our readers know if we hear further.

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