Westmead Government hospital – dealing with 1

This almost made us laugh out loud – the world is changing!

We were in the course of putting together a post on this hospital when we wondered who the CEO of the hospital might be and whether he or she had an ordinary email address that could be used to contact them.

With a little Googling we found that a Graeme Loy was it’s CEO, and with a bit more Googling we found one of those dreaded email forms which we used to send this.

With email forms we always put the date and the time at the bottom of our message – something that’s done automatically with ordinary email addresses.

At 4.02, 14 minutes later!!! we got this.

So there you are readers – what appears to be the CEO’s ordinary email address – WSLHD-OfficeOfTheCE@health.nsw.gov.au

We can’t wait to send a Test message and see if it works.

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